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B i o g r a p h y


      Marius G. Dragomir was born in Romania- Brasov in April 19th 1969. Grandfather of the father was who discovered his musical talent. At the 4 years, Marius make the first steps to stardom, at the music festival "Lira de Aur" (Pound of Gold), were he won the First Prize by singing with a violin "The Ballad Of Ciprian Porumbescu".

      He wins in 1989 years the First Prize for ,,Interpretation and Creation,, at the prestigious National Contest "Mamaia" when Marius performed vocals and for the first time, in this competition, he played an instrument: the trumpet. In the same year, he won the  Song Contest ,,Steaua fara nume,, (The Star without name) with 10 NOTE, a very important national contest of high professional level.

      He became famous for his original performances as well as self composed songs, which the critics of art praised but he also had a lot of success at the public.

      His first album called ,,Voices of Nature,, released in 1992 awakened the public to a new kind of music on the romanian market, electro-progressive music. Again Marius amazes with his flexibility in the musical field. Almost forgot to tell you about the instruments that Marius can play: violin, piano, trumpet, pan-pipe, percussions, harmonica, guitar, contrabass, ethnic-flute, whisle and many other more.

      In 1993 year the album "THE MAGICIAN" was released in the most prestigious music store from Bucharest called ,,MUSIC STORE,, where stars of that time came to sing together with him in a special show. The critics were exceptional, Marius Dragomir stepped into the next sphere of stardom.

       In 1995 year the artist Marius G. Dragomir revolutioned music industry in Romania-Europe when he appears on the music scene with a new style called Kashay-music or Ethno-dance (our Folk music) with the song and album called ,,Party in Transilvania,, in 1995 year. The sales skyrocket reaching records that were not passed for over 50 years. More than 1.800.000 units sold in Romania. The press kept his name on the first pages, he was invited two several TV shows with great audiences which kept growing. After the great success with the hit Party in Transilvania followed many more successful albums.

        He received numerous awards and honors: Musical News- Popularity Record, Golden Record, Award for the most media present artist of the year, Special awards from the Record Companies, (Lifetime Achievement Award, Jubilee Diplomas etc.

         In 2011 year, Marius has composed the MAIN TITLE for the two TV shows from ANTENA 3  (affiliated to CNN Television):

      -,,Premiere with Carmen Avram (In premiera cu Carmen Avram),, 


       -,,Sequential with Adrian Ursu (Secvential,, cu Adrian Ursu)


      Marius Dragomir compose also; masonic music, film score, classical music, TV, video games, soundtrack producer for full length and short films, documentaries, commercials. He studied many instruments expanding all the while his appreciation for classical and film score music, and studying orchestral composition and musical counterpoint. 

The dragon and the white princess- Zmeul si domnita cea de nea - Marius G. Dragomir
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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S


,,I think Marius will be a total success in Romania and in the world because his creation and whole being creative puts them in our hands, handy fellow, reaching 's heart,,.-March 2015

      Col. (R) Dr. Viorel Danacu-Grand Master, National Grand Lodge of Romania, President of Regional Centre of Masonic Studies Paris-Bucharest

E V E N T S​



    The Ethno Symphonika album was launched with success at International  book and music Fest from Turin on:


      MAY 14-19, 2015

MARCH      22


OCTOBER 21.2016-Magical evening at Aro Palace, Brasov. Artists, athletes, political figures, good people gathered at 2nd edition of the ,,BLUE HEARTS BALL ,,  to support children with special needs (ASD). Among the outstanding representations of yesterday noted premiere of a musical collage of album ,,ETHNO SYMPHONIKA ,,  created by composer Marius Dragomir G., exceptional artistic moment, romanian folk-influenced contemporary ballet, performed by masters choreographers, Emilia and Dorin Mirea.





Ethno Symphonika album - Marius G. Dragomir will be presented at the Festival of Books and Music Brasov Piata Sfatului (July 16-20 festival development) through an artistic moment: BALLET one of the compositions included on this wonderful album ETHNO SYMPHONIKA- The dragon and the white princess (Zmeul si domnita cea de nea), ballet dancers EMILIA and DORIN MIREA!

The movements of these graceful ballet masters choregrapher, feelings and emotions transmitted to viewers and expressed through body language, can be seen and felt by spectators on Saturday July 18, 19:00 hours, Square-Brasov. You're welcome!


ETHNO SYMPHONIKA- is an album that includes the sublime harmonies and melodic themes, several moods, and fill you with positive energy, good energy for our times, when good music almost sunset ...







    The Ethno Symphonika album was launched with success at International  book and music Fest from Romania at Brasov Bussiness Park on:


      MARCH 22, 2015

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